Tok Nenek 毒婆婆

Gunung Tok Nenek (1916M)
Distance:28km (2 ways)
Elevation Gain: 1930m
Elevation Loss: 1930m
TIme estimate: 15-17hours
Difficulty: Hard
Starting Point : Kampung Orang Asli Pos Renggil 
suitable for experience hiker

1. Permit
2. Guide
3.First Aid Kit
4. Walkie Talkie
💰RM 250/pax-with food ration (4 meals)
💰RM 190/pax- without food ration & porter
💰 RM160
◾Day 1
0730 – Meetup Lojing RnR and move to Pos Rengil
0800 – Arrive Pos Rengil / Prepare / Toilet / Briefing
0830 – Start Trekking
1030 – YY and TN junction (Y junction), 10 minutes break, regroup
1300 – Kem Lengkuas, Lunch break
1530 – Kem Hari
1700 – Kem Belumut, pitch tent, cleaning, simple evening tea, dinner and dessert
2100 – Rest

◾Day 2
0430 wake up and breakfast
0530 Start hike
0700 Gunung Tok Nenek summit. Sunrise
0730 Decending
0900 Kem Belumut. Packing and leave
1000 leave Kem Belumut
1200 Kem Hari
1400 Kem Lengkuas
1630 Simpang Y
1830 Trailhead

0530 Meet up at Yong Yap Trailhead, Kampung Rengil
0545 Start hike
0745 Simpang Y (Tok Nenek / Yong Yap) (water point)
0915 Kem Lengkuas
0945 Kem Kicap (water point)
1015 Kem Hari (water point)
1215Kem Belumut (Last water point) (cuf off time)
1400 Gunung Tok Nenek summit
1430 Decending (cut off time)
1530 Kem Belumut
1630 Kem Hari
1700 Kem Kicap
1730 Kem Lengkuas
1900 Simpang Y 2100 Trailhead
Food ration:
Day 1: Lunch , dinner
Day 2: Breakfast, lunch
Itinerary Tentative


